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Show Time 

Horse shows are a great way to measure your progress as a rider! Castalian Equestrian Center offers the chance to show at the local level and also at various A, AA and AAA shows across the country. 

training:: USEF rated shows: $150/day for one horse 


Full grooming, lunging, bathing, tacking, bandaging; everything except braiding

                                                  $75/day plus training

braiding                                           $50/mane

                                                         $40/ tail

Local schooling shows: Training     $125/day per rider

                                   grooming      $50/day per horse

Lease of horse for showing:

Minimum lease for schooling show      $150/day for walk trot 

Minimum lease of horse for  schooling shows $250/ day

Lease of horse for A rated shows through private treaty

Clients split the cost of trainers and grooms hotel rooms or camper fees.

Clients are charged a per diem of  $10/day for trainers meals when at away shows

Trimming of whiskers,ears and fetlocks as well as mane pulling are additional fees unless paying for groom service

ALL RIDERS ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN HORSE SHOW PREPARATIONS.This includes bathing of horses, cleaning tack, packing the equipment, and at the end of the show, caring for the horses cleaning of tack and unpacking the equipment. There is a great deal of work associated with showing. We realize that sometimes there are circumstances that prevent riders from participating either prior to or fallowing a show. When these circumstances occur, we will be glad to provide these services for a fee of $50

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